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Summer Health Tips

Happy summer! Each season has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Today we’re sharing some ways to maximize your health in the summertime.

Stay hydrated.

With rising temperatures we sweat more to stay cool. However this means we are losing more water throughout the day. Hydration is a vital part of almost every cellular process our body performs throughout the day.

Keep a full glass of water close at hand throughout the day and don’t leave the house without a full water bottle!

If you have trouble drinking enough water, try changing it up by infusing your water with fruit, or drinking coconut water or non-caffeinated tea interspersed with water throughout the day.

Eat fresh!

Summer is a great time to get fresh produce. Stop by your local farmer’s market, grab some fruit off the grocery store shelves, or pick it straight off a tree!

Fresh foods have more nutrients and vitamins per calorie keeping you healthy and strong! Many summer crops are also great sources of hydration, such as berries, cucumber, and melon.

Move more.

Nicer weather makes it much easier to get outside and get more activity in your day. Take the opportunity to visit a local park, the zoo, or take a walk around the block. Consider changing your commute to incorporate more walking or bike riding.

If the weather forecast for the day is especially hot, exercise in the morning or evening rather than in the heat of the day.

Get out of the city.

Getting out into nature is not only a great exercise, but it can often help you cool down as well. Trees provide shade, and all plants produce evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration can be thought of like tree sweat. When the sun hits a plant, the stored water evaporates off the surface cooling the plant and the air around it.

Protect yourself in the sun.

We hear it all the time, but it bears repeating. Always wear sunscreen, fully-protective sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat if you’re going to be out in the sun for any length of time. Make sure your loved ones, especially children, do as well!

We hope you have a fun, happy, safe summer!