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Temporary Closure

Friday, March 20, 2020

Dear Patients,

As a result of increasing concern about coronavirus and the health and safety of our patients and staff, we are closing Equilibrium to all non-emergent patients for two weeks beginning March 21st with a tentative reopening date of Monday, April 6th.

We are not sick and do not believe that we have been exposed to an active case of coronavirus. That said, we believe that it is no longer possible to deliver care safely and are not willing to risk the health or safety of our patients, staff or community to do so. Continuing care would be irresponsible and we refuse to risk people's health for the sake of doing business.

This is a sacrifice for our clinic and our staff. We love our patients and would prefer to continue providing care, however, guidance from our state and federal governments suggests that the best course of action for the health of our community and our nation is to limit unnecessary contact.

Are we overreacting? Hopefully. We feel that with our profession requiring so much contact, it would be irresponsible not to close at this time. We don’t want to close but feel that in this case we need to lead by example for the benefit of our community.  

We will continue to be available to you. Our voicemail box will be regularly monitored by Rabekah and she will route and return calls daily to help reschedule your appointments and answer your questions. If you need to discuss an acute condition, one of our chiropractors will be able to assist you via phone or video call.

You can support our staff and clinic by scheduling future appointments. This is going to be a rough time for our clinic and staff. The best way you can help us through this is by calling to schedule future appointments for when we re-open.

Please do whatever you can to decrease the risk of perpetuating the spread of this virus. We look forward to seeing all of you again once we are able to reopen. As the circumstances continue to unfold, we will stay in communication.

Best wishes for health and happiness,
Equilibrium Staff