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Acupuncture and Anxiety

Mental health concerns like anxiety and depression have shown concerning trends over the last 20 years. Between 2013 and 2017 patients aged 18-25 presenting with “serious psychological distress” increased dramatically. Like many other existing trends, mental health trends sped up over the last year and half. The CDC reports an 8-point increase in symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder and unmet mental health needs in eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-olds between August 2020 to February 2021.

Treating Anxiety

From shortness of breath and variations in heart rate, to full blown and debilitating panic attacks, headaches, pain and insomnia, anxiety is a complex, pervasive condition that is generally treated using medication. While medication is helpful for many who suffer from anxiety, around 50% of patients treated pharmacologically for anxiety have an ‘inadequate response,’ to anxiety medications. This means that their symptoms are not significantly alleviated or that they experience adverse side effects. Psychological treatment like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety, and may be bolstered by concurrent acupuncture treatment. A large study on acupuncture treatment for anxiety found that symptoms were reduced twice as much with acupuncture treatment as with medication or talk-therapy alone.

How Can Acupuncture Help Treat Anxiety?

Several studies have looked into the effect of acupuncture on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) — the ability for your heart rate to change in response to your environment. More adaptable heart rate is linked to greater health in all realms, including mental health. Although more robust research is needed, acupuncture seems to have a modulating effect on especially the parasympathetic aspect of HRV which is responsible for restorative physiological activities.

The area of the brain called the hypothalamus releases certain neurochemicals, regulates hormones and is connected to essential biological functions such as sleep and menstruation. Acupuncture can affect this region to moderate stress hormones to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, acupuncture affects the release of endorphins which play a big role in physical and emotional regulation.