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Back to Basics: Acupuncture

Curious about acupuncture? As part of our ‘back to basics’ series we’re answering some of the most common questions about acupuncture treatment at Equilibrium.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a treatment that comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine and involves the insertion of very thin needles at strategic points on the body. There are different types of acupuncture that incorporate various diagnostic tests and methodologies.

What can I expect during an acupuncture appointment?

Similar to a regular doctor’s appointment, at your first appointment with Suzanne, she’ll talk to you about your medical history, lifestyle factors, and the symptoms you’re experiencing. She may perform an exam or diagnostic tests to gain more information about your condition. Before leaving the room, Suzanne will instruct you to dress down to your comfort level for the areas she’s needling. Once undressed you will get on the treatment table and under the sheet. Suzanne will return and apply needles. She may also perform soft tissue work or mobilization. Acupuncture treatment can also include moxibustion. Suzanne may recommend home exercises and/or Chinese herbs and other supplements to support your health and relieve symptoms.

What kinds of things can acupuncture help with?

On the most basic level, acupuncture works to balance the body systems, so acupuncture is applicable to a variety of conditions from musculoskeletal conditions to allergies to pain management to fertility and hormone health. If you see an Equilibrium chiropractor, they can offer perspective on how and if acupuncture might be a good treatment for your specific symptoms.

Does acupuncture treatment hurt?

Acupuncture does not usually hurt, though you may feel some sensation. You might feel a little pressure as the needle is inserted or removed, and some patients report feeling a tingling sensation as the treatment works on the body.

How often should I receive acupuncture treatment?

After evaluating you, Suzanne will recommend a treatment plan, which can vary widely from patient to patient. If your condition is more acute, she may recommend you schedule multiple appointments at close intervals. Depending on your symptoms and your unique body it may take more than one treatment to feel a strong effect.