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Equilibrium in Action December 2021: Minds Matter

It’s no secret that getting a higher education in the United States requires money. We’ve all seen the news stories and heard politicians talk about the mountain of student debt that follows students sometimes 30 years after they’ve graduated from school. And those numbers don’t include the money it took to hire tutors, take test-prep courses, and cover application fees before even being admitted to a four-year school. These are the myriad barriers in front of our high schoolers — daunting for most, but downright discouraging for those with families at lower income levels.

Minds Matter of Portland helps driven students from lower income families achieve their dream of higher education. Minds Matter was chartered in Portland in 2006 as a chapter of the New York-based educational organization that provides supplementary tutoring and mentoring on Saturdays for highly motivated, economically disadvantaged sophomore, junior, and senior high school students.

Here’s a bit more about the program from Minds Matter Executive Director, Reed Harrison:

“We always stress the fact that we have no paid staff people, so all contributions to the program provide direct support to our students.

Minds Matter Portland is an all-volunteer academic mentoring program serving highly motivated, economically disadvantaged high school students who aspire to four-year colleges and universities. Our Portland-area students invest 5 hours every Saturday during the school year, for 3 years, to improve their academic, professional and social skills to prepare for success in college and beyond. Our entire team of adults volunteer their time to support our students on their path to college readiness and matriculation.

We pay the tuition and travel costs for each student to attend a college summer program after their Sophomore and Junior years of high school. Students get to live in dorms, take classes, and get a taste for the college experience. This provides motivation and confidence during the college application process and helps our students understand what type of academic setting they'd most prefer.”

Students receive instruction in writing, critical thinking, vocabulary, grammar, public affairs, and math. The curriculum also includes PSAT and SAT instruction, field trips, career days, and debate. Each student is paired with two young professional mentors from the Portland business, professional, and educational community. Mind Matters’ test prep is offered for free rather than the upwards of $1000 many programs charge. Students also receive assistance throughout the college application process on school selection, essay writing, and financial aid paperwork.

100% of Minds Matter graduates have been accepted at a 4-year school including the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Stanford, Sarah Lawrence, Lewis & Clark, George Fox, the University of Washington, Howard University. Most have full or near-full scholarships!

Minds Matter of Portland is 100% volunteer, and supported by generous cash and in-kind donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Donations are used to fund formal education and cultural activities. Donations also pay the tuition and travel expenses associated with the students’ summer college prep programs. During the month of December Equilibrium will match all in-office donations to Minds Matter Portland. Together we can make a big difference in the life of young people in our community. To donate directly click here to go to the Minds Matter website. You can also sign up to become a volunteer mentor!