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Equilibrium in Action: International Rescue Committee

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created the greatest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II. We are heartbroken for the people of Ukraine and the horrific events that have unfolded in the last month. Usually we choose a local charity for our Equilibrium in Action initiative to give back to our immediate community, but the events across the globe can’t be ignored. There are millions of new refugees who need our help. This month Equilibrium will match all in-office financial donations to International Rescue Committee. This organization came recommended and vetted by a close friend of Equilibrium with Ukrainian heritage.

International Rescue Committee

Founded at the request of Albert Einstein in 1933 to help people fleeing Nazi Germany, the IRC is now at work in over 40 crisis-affected countries. IRC is known for their efficient and effective use of donations. They deliver lasting impact by providing health care, helping children learn, and empowering individuals and communities to become self-reliant, always seeking to address the inequalities facing women and girls. In their own words:

“We focus our support in five areas: ensuring safety from harm, improving health, increasing access to education, improving economic wellbeing, and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. In all our programming, we address the unique needs of women and girls (who represent the majority of those displaced)—and the barriers to progress everywhere we work.”

IRC is always on the watch for crisis in the world, and is ready to mobilize at a moment’s notice. According to IRC director of emergencies, Bob Kitchen, the IRC can make the call to go into a completely new country in less than 30 minutes. How do they decide what aid to provide? They ask the people affected what they need. Ninety-nine percent of IRC staff in each country comes from those countries and serves their own communities. During a crisis, they work alongside the emergency team and provide critical local insights. Often, the IRC partners with and provides support to local organizations already active on the ground. This bolsters the crisis response of people who have already been working in the community and are experts on the local context.

IRC in Ukraine

In many places there have been long waits to cross borders and scant facilities waiting for them on the other side, with temperatures dropping below freezing overnight. Urgent needs include food, water, emergency shelter, health care and sanitation facilities, and protection and trauma counseling.

In Ukraine, IRC is working with partners to support evacuation efforts for women and children and provide emergency assistance to internally displaced people. This includes helping people to register as displaced as well as ensuring they have groceries, blankets, warm clothes, and working stoves where power has been cut off. They also provide cash so people can purchase what they need the most.

In Poland, IRC is working to provide some of the millions of Ukrainian refugees with psychosocial and legal support, cultural assistance and translation services, medical equipment for health teams operating at refugee reception centers and border crossing points, and procuring other essential items such as sleeping bags and blankets for distribution.

It’s easy to feel helpless at times like these, but together we truly can make a difference in the lives of Ukrainians, even in the midst of crisis. If you’d like to donate directly or learn more information about International Rescue Committee, click here. Equilibrium will match in-office donations made to IRC during the month of April.