We're finalists for Best of Portland!
We are in the running for Willamette Week’s Best of Portland 2016 Best Chiropractor!! Many thanks to our wonderful team of providers and most of all our incredible patients. Now for the task at hand: VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Voting ends May 31st, but we heard a rumor that early votes count for extra!
Click this link to vote, and take a minute to support your other fave local businesses.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a type of integrative health care profession focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders mainly of the spine and extremities. However, chiropractic care does focus on the body as a whole. It is a non-invasive approach to healing, typically without the use of pharmaceuticals.
A chiropractic adjustment, also called a manipulation, is one of the most common procedures completed by a doctor of chiropractic. The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is to manually apply a gentle force into joints that have become restricted in their movement, restoring joint mobility due to tissue injury. This may be caused by a single traumatic event, such as lifting a heavy object. It may also be cause by sustained postures such as sitting or standing for long periods of time or by repetitive stresses such as computer work or repetitive lifting. Joints and surrounding tissues can undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and decreased function for people. Manipulation or a chiropractic adjustment of the affected joints and tissues restores mobility, decreases pain and inflammation, which allows tissues to heal.
What To Expect From Your First Appointment
All of our practitioners are thorough. They ask questions about your prior, family, and current health history. The practitioner will then spend time going over your paperwork with you to make sure they have a clear understanding of your health care concerns. They will proceed with an exam and/or assessment of the areas of concern. With your permission, they will complete the appropriate treatment, which may include therapeutic exercises and/or nutritional advice.
Call us to schedule your chiropractic appointment.
Calm Mind, Healthy Body
It is challenging to eat well and have the energy to accomplish our goals if our hormones are out of balance. Likewise, our hormone levels are affected by our diet, sleep patterns, and state of mind. Below are some helpful tips to create a positive mood, stable weight, and increased energy:
* Ease up on the simple carbs (breads, white pasta, white flour, refined sugars) and gently bump up your tryptophan-rich protein. For vegetarians, protein snacks several times a day might include cottage cheese, nuts & nut butter, cheese, or eggs. Adding colorful veggies and fruits to your meals will release natural sugars into your system more evenly than a quick carby snack.
* Include a daily dose of healthy fats for balancing your mood, such coconut oil, avocado, nut and olive oil.
* Add B vitamin complex to your daily regimen. B6, in particular, supports the brain’s production of seratonin, melatonin and dopamine, all very necessary hormones for a peaceful state of mind
* Gentle to moderate exercise each day revs up mood boosting hormones seratonine and dopamine. No time (or money) for the gym? Try adding a yoga, tai chi, or qigong routine during your lunch break to burn calories, relieve stress, strengthen your core muscles and calm the mind.
* Substitute herbal teas and lemon water for pop and caffeinated ‘power’ drinks. One of my favorite homemade ’soda’ drinks is fresh lemon squeezed into bubbly mineral water with a touch of Stevia, a natural sweetener with 0 calories and safe for diabetics.
* Make time throughout the day to breathe deep, meditate, pray, or chant/tone. A perfect way to distract the monkey chatter brain, center and ground in the moment, and collect your scattered energies from the sensory- overload world we live in.
* Before bed give your body a deeply relaxing stretch routine. Find a good book, and dab some pleasant essential oils to your pillow such as vanilla, lavender, chamomile, wild orange, marjoram, ylang ylang, frankincense, clary sage or whatever appeals to you. Essential oils have an immediate impact on brain chemistry and provide a more comforting sleep state.