Holiday Travel


Traveling can be rough on your body; especially around the holidays. Here are some quick tips to try and an article by the ACA. 

1.) Warm up and cool down. Sitting for prolonged periods can be hard on your body so just like exercise, stretch before and after. 

2.) Adjust the lumbar support in your car or, if on a plane, roll up pillows to create a lumbar support that follows the natural "S" curve of your spine

3.) Walk up and down the aisles of the plane and stretch. If traveling in a car, take frequent rest stops and stretch. 

Read the full article here.

Add Movement to Your Winter


This time of year can be rough for those of us that like to get our movement in outdoors. Here are some good ways to add movement into your day when it’s cold and wet outside:

1. Make your meetings walking or standing meetings. Take a stroll with your colleagues around the office while you talk or just stand around the conference table while you meet.

2. Take stretch breaks. Spend 5-10 minutes twice a day stretching out your back, neck, hips, and shoulders. You can bend forward to touch your toes then grab the opposite elbow and gently sway side to side.

3. Foam Roll in the evenings while watching your favorite shows. Even just a few minutes on the foam roller every day will help loosen up tight, stiff muscles.

4. Add incidental movement to your day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car at the far end of the parking lot.

5. Stand at a counter while you eat your lunch instead of sitting.

6. Walk around while you take your phone calls.