Maybe sheltering in place was just the motivation you needed to start your exercise routine, or maybe your usual gym habit got a makeover as you started working out at home. Either way it’s important to take the proper precautions when exercising at home to stay safe and avoid injury.
Read moreWalk This Way
In the last few months, many of our usual practices and routines have changed, including our fitness regimens. When once we may have been on the elliptical or riding the stationary bike, we’ve turned to perhaps the oldest of all pastimes: walking!
Read moreResistance Bands: how and why to use them in your exercise routine
So, what exactly are resistance bands? And how do you use them, anyway? Resistance bands are simple, versatile, and easy-to-use. They’re an easy way to take your workout on the go, and they’re great for injury rehabilitation because it’s easy and instantaneous to modify as needed and moderate the difficulty level as you build strength.
Read moreNerve Gliding
Last month chiropractor Cydney Keller and acupuncturist Suzanne Chi attended an international dance medicine conference where they spent over 20 hours each learning and refreshing their knowledge. One of the topics for learning and discussion was flexibility. When is flexibility useful and what is the best way to go about increasing flexibility? What if stretching doesn’t seem to help? One activity recommended is nerve gliding.
Read moreTravel Tips
Summer is here, kids are out of school, and you’re hitting the road, takin’ off, gettin’ outta town! Whether you’re headed for some R&R on a remote island, or packing up the car and taking a road trip, travel can take a toll on the body. Here are some tips for how to keep the body limber, active, and healthy during your travels.
Read moreSummer Health Tips
Happy summer! Each season has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Today we’re sharing some tips on how to maximize your health in the summertime.
Read moreBenefits of Foam Rolling
Foam Rolling - is it just another fitness trend, or is there something more to be said for it? While there is still a need for additional research, studies have shown significant benefits of foam rolling in several areas including range of motion, muscle recovery, and athletic performance.
Read moreOctober is National Chiropractic Health Month!
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and chiropractors nationwide are promoting the benefits of movement to overall health as well as the prevention of back pain during National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) in October. This year’s theme, “Move 4 Life,” encourages people to move more now so they will be able to move better later and avoid chronic and painful conditions associated with sedentary lifestyles.
The ACA offers additional information on how to get and stay moving:
Good nutrition, ergonomic workspaces and proper lifting and movement techniques can go a long way in helping people to strengthen their spines and avoid disabling injuries and chronic back pain, which often prevent regular physical activity.
Consider weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, which help maintain bone density over a lifetime and keep our skeletal bones healthy and strong.
When busy schedules are the obstacle, a re-examination of personal priorities is sometimes necessary to restore balance in life; make time for healthy habits such as physical activity.
Back pain is one of the most common conditions for which prescription opioids are prescribed. It was once believed that pain medication and bed rest were the best course of action for low back pain, but research today supports first trying non-drug options for pain management, while remaining as active as possible, before moving on to other options.
Doctors of chiropractic practice a hands-on, drug-free approach to health care and pain relief that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. In addition to their expertise in spinal manipulation, chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, and to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.
The Importance of Water After Your Treatment
We all know we should be drinking water since our bodies are made up of over 70% of it. But did you know that it's important to drink water after your chiropractic, massage, or acupuncture treatment?
A chiropractic treatment puts your body back into alignment and releases tension that's been held for a while. As a result some toxins and nutrients that were held are also released. Drinking water helps to flush those items through to your kidneys and liver to help remove the toxins from your body.
A massage is a way of working your muscles; not dissimilar to a workout. The therapist is working on your muscles, stretching and manipulating them so there may be delayed soreness. Drinking water prevents dehydration of the muscles as they are using fluids to rejuvenate.
Don't forget to hydrate!
Get Out and Do Something Active!
May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month so get out there and get active! Regular physical activity can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Exercising regularly strengthens muscles, reduces fat, controls your weight, and improves your sleep (among other things).
There are lots of way for adults to get the recommended 30 minutes per day of physical activity. It doesn't have to mean going to gym or a spin class. Look for ways to incorporate into your every day life like taking the stairs or parking your car farther away from your intended destination.
You can also add balancing exercises into your routine in order to improve muscle control and function. Stretching during TV time is also an easy activity to improve flexibility to reduce the risk of injury.
A few other fun ways to stay active (especially as the weather improves): plant and care for a vegetable garden, wash the car, take a walk to catch up with a friend instead of calling them, take your coffee on a walk during your break, and walk the dog as a whole family.
Get out there and get active!